Bringing Law & Order To Business
“We learned of Hired Gun Advisors by way of referral.  We’re glad we did! 

They provided sound advice delivered in a straight talking way.  A true pleasure to work with.”

- Karen Wago
Our Overall Experience
Externally Sourced Innovation
More Thoughtful Planning
Making Better Choices
Getting Things Done

Hired Gun Advisors has experience with:


Accelerating growth through Externally Sourced Innovation

Companies today are facing growth objectives that are simply not achievable with their current innovation models.

Procter & Gamble -- one of world’s leading innovators -- was one of the first major companies to recognize that they were unable to develop winning new products quickly and effectively enough by relying solely on its internal expertise. This insight led to the creation of P&G’s Connect and Develop organization.

The result?  Dramatic improvements in R&D productivity, faster Speed to Market and greater New Product Success. [Case Study].

Hired Gun Advisors learned from direct experience with P&G, and can now help your company realize similar results.


More thoughtful planning

If you’re not sure what direction to point your wagon, we’d be glad to help. Hired Gun Advisors helps you to determine WHERE you want your business to go, by first helping you understand WHY. Most folks call this strategy, and it’s the first step in establishing some basic Law & Order.

By the way, we don’t believe strategy means paying a whole lot of dough for a team of fresh graduates that take months to compile what you already know into a pretty bubble chart. We provide real insights, and we do it efficiently.


Making better choices

Hired Gun Advisors teaches you HOW to deliver big-sky business results, by quickly sorting through what activities will support your business objectives, and those that won’t.

Hired Gun Advisor’s proprietary approach identifies and prioritizes those opportunities that are the most SIMPLIMENTAL, thereby delivering the greatest value. [click on image to the right]


Getting things done

Even the most thoughtful planning and best decisions are only as valuable as the follow-through.

Ultimately, somebody has to get it done, and execution is what matters most. We’re not afraid get into the brush with you to make it happen.

How SIMPLIMENTAL is the opportunity?