Bringing Law & Order To Business
“HGA added energy and fire power to our approach to innovation. They opened new avenues and partnering options to grow our portfolio and have positively challenged our thinking in the process.”

Charlie Martin, President & CMO, ACH Foods

Hired Gun Advisors helps you grow your business

We are a consulting group that helps companies – both large and small – unleash growth potential by streamlining priorities, empowering employees and using innovative approaches to business development.

We apply best practices from Fortune 100 companies to help small companies make better decisions and get their ideas to market, and we use creative approaches from entrepreneurial companies to help large companies accelerate growth through faster, more successful innovation.


We call this… Bringing Law & Order to Business.

You may be thinking, “What’s with the Old West theme?”  It does not mean we gallop into your organization with guns blazing. That’s not our style.

The Old West is a metaphor for the challenges faced by companies of all sizes. After running businesses both large and small, we’ve learned that the most successful companies have just the right amount of Law & Order in place.

Small companies often have a Wild, Wild, West culture, burning through limited resources chasing what we call “stray cows.”

In contrast, some large companies operate under strict Marshal Law, resulting in a defensive herd mentality that kills business creativity.

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Sometimes the best ideas come from outside the ranch.

Large companies, accountable to a myriad of stakeholders, quickly become mired in mountains of reporting. Managers faced with more direct reports, respond by instituting more process and controls. At some point, more bureaucracy is needed just to manage the bureaucracy. Creative thinking and risk-taking dries up like a puddle in the desert sun. Employees -- once champions of the company -- now focus mostly on self-preservation.

Under this type of Marshal Law, business growth stagnates.

To innovate better, large companies need to become more nimble. So, set your employees free! Sure, keep them on the ranch, but let them roam. A little more range can result in a lot more growth. And sometimes -- the very best opportunities lie outside the ranch.

As experienced executives and entrepreneurs and experts in External Business Development, Hired Gun Advisors can introduce you to new sources of innovation.

You can learn more about our services in OUR WORK.


Better choices result in better outcomes.

From small companies come the biggest ideas. Brimming with passion and creativity, entrepreneurs can and do change the world, creating fabulous wealth along the way.

But too often, small companies get so caught up in the gold rush that they start to shoot from the hip. Lacking big company discipline, the business starts to feel like something out of the Wild, Wild West, and the very best growth opportunities go unrealized.

In this limited resource environment, every decision is a trade off.

Adding some basic structure to decision-making can yield extraordinary results. Our proprietary SIMPLIMENTAL process teaches you how to make better choices. And better choices mean better outcomes.

Learn more about our services in OUR WORK.